

PhD, MNSc, RN, Specialist in Nephrology Nursing has extensive research expertise in Nephrology Nursing particularly related to those with Acute Kidney Injury and in Renal Conservative Treatment.
Maria coordinates de Research Department at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa (ESEL) Portugal where she is presently working as Principal Lecturer.
Maria is on the Editorial boards of the Journal Nephro’s in Portugal, integrates the pool of assessors of SciELO for the University of São Paulo, Brazil, Scientific Committee of Enfermeria Nefrologica from SEDEN, Spain as reviewer and (Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem-REBEn as peer reviewer.
Maria is responsible for the Masters in Nephrology Nursing at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Portugal.
Maria has translated several articles, books and handbooks under the Education in Nephrology Care from English to Portuguese
As Co Author she published the “EDTNA/ERCA Recommendations for Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression in renal units”- 2010
As Co Author she published the EDTNA/ERCA “ Competency Framework for Neohrology Nursing” , 2008
As Editor, she published, for EDTNA/ERCA, the handbook: Acute Kidney Injury – a guide to clinical Practice in 2012
She was President of EDTNA/ERCA (European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/European Renal Care Association for 2012-2014
She was Director of Nursing Education for Diaverum from 2014-2016
Principal Lecturer at ESEL – Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa - Portugal